By Eleanor McKenzie
One day, some 30 years ago, a friend lent me a book she had just received from her sister in India. It was ‘Empowerment Through Reiki’ by Paula Horan. I read the entire book in one sitting. What immediately struck me was that of all the ‘alternative’ therapies, Reiki alone first offered a method to heal one’s self. But, there was something else that really spoke to my soul: in addition to giving in-person treatments to others, one could send healing energy over long distances. I had no idea at the time about how that worked, but without even having taken a Reiki class, I just knew it would. That this is true has been proved to me over and over again.
Every aspect of this method of energy healing resonated with me, and I set out to find a teacher, which in the early 1990s was a tricky task, as hardly anyone had heard of it in London then. With Spirit’s help I found Reiki Master Margaret Pauffley. Following her Level 1 training in Usui Shiki Ryoho, I then studied it with Melanie Hoffstead and David Wood, completing my Master level training in 1998., the same year Hamlyn Octopus published my first book about energy healing, called ‘Healing Reiki’, an ‘out of the blue’ opportunity that fulfilled my wish to be published. In 2008, Godsfield Books asked me to contribute to its ‘Bible’ series, and ‘The Reiki Bible’ was published in 2009, followed by ‘Reiki for Everyday Living’.
The simplicity of energy healing is truly elegant. Its power is awe-inspiring, especially when used for distance healing, or ‘absent’ healing, as the great British spiritual healer, Harry Edwards, called it. Whether you are in the room with me, or 10,000 miles away, energy healing is available to you.
